The Collection
The Eldridge Memorial Library is not affiliated with the Provincial Libray system and as a result maintains control over its collection. The original collection of the Library dates from a donation of books from the Misses Shaw and Wentworth in 1936. Over the years the Collection has grown to several thousand volumes through both purchases and donations and includes fiction, non-fiction, classic literature, history, biography, youth, childrens and more.
Our fiction section consists of titles which are within ten years of their publication date, or are noteworthy because of author, or literary award.
It is an eclectic collection, to be sure, and has a significant non-fiction section dedicated to local and maritime topics and authors. Additionally, genealogies of several local families can be found. If you are looking for the newest fiction best-sellers, we highly recommend a visit to the Western Counties Regional Library branch: The Isaiah W. Wilson Memorial Library in Digby, our local public library where you can access any publication through the Provincial system. We pride oursevles on offering the unexpected.
If you are interesed in donating a new book, please contact us to ensure it is not already in our collection. We do accept donations of gently used books, however, we generally do not accept fiction that is more than 10 years old, unless as noted above. Please contact the Librarian to make any donation.